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Showing posts from December, 2018

Why Are You Online?

It's been a while since I've not written a word or any in my blog. Anyway I've come along way. That's someone asking a question. Why are you online? and what are you looking for? Although I have that pretty simple reason to promote my YouTube and blog and share my friends post. And my business can be done through online. Since it's digital. And although I can hire someone to take care of everything but I just want to do it myself. So I every cents of my dollar will be count. What they say if you don't work for it. You don't appreciate it. But go back to the question we are usually online because someone in our family can be reach through online anytime at any day at real time. And also some of the clients can also be reach through online. And when you start to presence in online try to be sure. That you can be an inspiration to others. Do what you love to do. And whatever your purpose. Must be a good reasons enough. Not to mention internet is kind of e...