If you considering this this of business, just think about first the pros and cons, here's the things that you must consider its risky since its base on a foundation of trust, let may tell you something, some people are good only the first time they will pay you. The second time its okay on the third time expect them not to pay you. So its very important you must know the person or that your going to give the money. I know some people who are very good paying their debt and it's hard to find them. But not everyone does a good one there's some.So before you give money to anybody you should know the history, ask people around, either with a neighbor, or as them if they have some credit company or simply check their electricity bill, water bill ,this way you will know this person is a good customer, base on this you will determine right away, and why's that for example, she had no lapse she's pay her electricity bill or water on time. If she had lapse then think abo...
To Inspired Entrepreneur inspite of the hard days for day to day operation. Or simply to inspire yourself to go on