If you are ready to open your business but you can't start without a manpower or employee you can do it alone you need a reliable and good employees. If you are starting your own business at least be a multi-tasking it may help but you need some professional people in your company not mediocre.
Because the people in your company is the people whose you may succeed or fail.
For the past years I have been an opportunity to observed the different kinds of employees some are deserving for their jobs and some I would say they always chatting. It hurts to see these kind of employees because once their in they are automatic paid their day no matter what. If you are only working you don't understand that whether you've done your job in a good way or not it doesn't matter.
That's why, when you hire a person its really their expertise not because they are recommended by a friend or your immediate family. You hired them because of their talents on a job.
Let say the job is customer service we all know that customer service is one of hardest job you know why because there are lots of Irate customers where customers are so anxious of your service. That's why he/she has a 100% patient to handle the customers. In fairness to all working who deserved their services without complaints, and I salute to them, imagine there are lots of people especially during holidays so the employees must be extend their hours.
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