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Is your business is Unique or in Monopoly

As you start your business either well known or unique or in monopoly thing. By the way monopoly means the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in commodity or services. Or a company or group having an exclusive control over commodity or service.

When your company is in a monopoly that means you have no competition so people have no choice to stay your  service but right now there's no monopoly except some few services.

So make sure before you open your business must be unique new but still looks familiar.

Note: The picture of Bella Hadid. Courtesy from facebook       
pet shop unfortunately the brand that you need only one shop you cannot find in any shop so you have no choice instead to buy their products even almost always the sacks is broken you know I've been buying cat food that the container is broken. If it is broken must be considered as bad order. The supplier may exchange it.

So if your in a business there's also a liability not always a sunshine. A problem but you to make a good solution so your customer will loyal to you.
