Are you planning to Invest in Real Property, if yes then you must must have a prospect developer, the money, or paying in cash or in Installment. Well lets check the developer, whether its condominium or House in Lot.
You must understand the difference between condominium and house and lot. When you say condominium, your owning only your specified unit or units you own or with parking lot. You don't own any physical land or lot. So you own only your unit and you have the privilege to use the amenities, included to your contract. While the house and lot it is located in a village or subdivisions, where you have a neighborhood, consists of an amenities, like clubhouse, basketball court or swimming pool and children's playground.
And you own a house and lot.where your house is located. And you have more privacy. This projects is good for the big family.
But if you want more convenient, near to your work might be walking distance from your work then choose condominiums, this is preferred for the new family.
As we all know that now has many developer's, okay what you gonna do, just research the company or developer's, read the reviews, but don't be
fooled because some are employees who review, some good to be true but in actual, they're not true. You must check the reliability, consistency. But how do you know.If this company is reliable. The names of the company or developers, check their affiliation since when they were start and so on...
Here some that they are misleading, for example they will have an ads that only for this amount you can move in already, let's say only 20k you can move in already, that's really a big no. You will wait forever, and when you go to their office, they say blah, blah, blah.
So that's why you need to have knowledge or research. Before you give money or your crying forever. Or for the sake of argument, just check to the government agency. There's a government agency who in charge to this particular case. So make sure to check it first. Last but not least check your neighborhood to be, just check around what's its look like. Is it safe to walk in there or no.
no. Have you check your news on TV. Is it that particular place is in the news. Good news if the place if its good and safe.
Everyday you meet different people or in the community or in group pages. But the question is that a person is really exist. Or trying to get some pictures and become their profile picts. Anyway if you want to know that person is real or its really exist. Is when they have a Facebook account and Twitter or LinkedIn and Google or YouTube. If that person has all these accounts at least you know they are real. Facebook has a live video streaming as well as Twitter and of course YouTube there's a live streaming. So choose your friends and be connected to everyone. It's fun to have friends. Miles apart near in the ♥ heart.
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